Carnival Party

The second to last day of Summer Recreation…I’m trying to hold back the tears. It has been such a successful program and the participants most certainly deserved a carnival as a reward. On Wednesday, each of them tapped into their artistic abilities and...

Memorabilia Monday

It is the last week of Summer Recreation and today’s focus was to make memorabilia to remember what a great summer we shared together! Even though art takes great focus, many of the participants put in large amounts of dedication to make picture frames, KOOL...

Goodman Pool!

Today Brooklyn summer recreation took a trip to the water oasis of Goodman pool!  We slashed and played in the shallow end with the water sprayers.  We raced and slid down the two cool water slides, and we dove into the cool water from the diving boards.  The kids had...

Kickball With a Twist

Today we continued our fun with water by playing a variety of games outside.  We first began by playing water kickball.  The rules are the same, except the players have to do water related things at each base.  First base the kids had to sit in a kiddie pool, second...

Sliding and Splashing

Why did the kid throw a bucket of water out the window? He wanted to see a waterfall. With weather like we have been having, who would not want this week to be Wet and Wild week? Each day filled with multiple water games and outdoor fun, even the staff are ready for...

Getting Creative!

This week has been a great and creative one!  The kids have enjoyed playing all sorts of theater games and participating in our mini game shows.  Today the kids used their art skills to make a summer themed mural.  The kids all worked together and created a beautiful...

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