Summer Youth Recreation Program Guide
For Parents & ChildrenParent Guidelines
We want everyone to have a great experience in our program. Therefore, we have Behavior Expectations/Guidelines that we hope every parent/guardian will discuss with their child. Please see the attachment on Behavior Expectations.
Due to the nature of this program, fun, play, discover….get wet, sweat, we ask that your child wear what they are comfortable in; but recommend “play” clothes, running shoes, and always apply sunscreen prior to outdoor play.
Our program leaders always do their best to monitor situations closely. However, with a wide range of ages, development and a large number of kids, it can be a challenge to witness every situation. If there is ever a concern, or suggestions, please speak to the Recreation Coordinator, or email the Recreation Committee via
Child Behavior Expectations
We want our participants in the Brooklyn Summer Recreation Program to have a positive experience. We have three important roles for the participant’s behavior.
- Act in a safe manner
- Respect others
- Respect property
Level One:
Most misconduct is minor and is limited to offenses that can be easily handled by the coordinators. This could include, but would not be limited to, uncooperative or disrespectful behavior, not putting away personal possessions or summer recreation equipment, littering, or misusing equipment.
Level Two:
More serious misconduct will result in a behavior / discipline report being filed with the Summer Recreation Coordinator. A copy of this report will be sent home to the parent / guardian to sign and return with the child on the next recreation day. A brief meeting with the child’s parent / guardian, child and coordinator to review appropriate behavior and consequences will be necessary before the child can return to the program. Examples of behavior that would cause a behavior / discipline report to be filed could include, but would not be limited to, acting in a way that would put oneself or others in danger, damaging property, using insulting or profane language, continued disrespect to adults or other recreation participants.
Level Three:
Depending on the severity of the recreation participant’s behavior, the Summer Recreation Coordinator will have the authority to send the child home from the recreation program immediately after an incident occurs. Harassment includes verbal or physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment for others. Examples of harassment could be, but are not limited to; actual or threatened physical aggression, demeaning comments or behavior, slurs or insults, and inappropriate sexual comments or actions. The child will not be allowed to attend the next scheduled day of recreation, and will not be allowed to re-enter until a conference with the child, parent / guardian, and the Recreation staff occurs.
Level Four:
If level three misconduct occurs a second time, the recreation participant will be expelled from the program, and will not be allowed to return for the remainder of the summer with no refund of enrollment fees.
Levels and Consequences:
Level One Violation
Verbal warning
Sit out of activities for 15 min or longer
Level Two Violation
Discipline report sent home
Level Three Violation
Suspension from the program for 1 session.
Level Four Violation
Expulsion from the program for the rest of the summer.
All disciplinary actions given will be at the discretion of the coordinator with the consideration of the number of previous offenses. IF A SUMMER RECREATION MEMBER IS SUSPENDED FROM THE PROGRAM, HE / SHE MAY NOT BE ON PROPERTY DURING PROGRAM HOURS. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN FOR EXPULSION FROM THE PROGRAM.