
First, happy New Years to you and your loved ones from all of us!  Brooklyn Recreation had a pretty good year and turnout to our events.

Walk Down Memory Lane… A Look Back at 2014

  • Expanded the Get Fit Program classes to hold weekly classes of different types of Yoga and Zumba
  • Attendance at the Dime-A-Dip and the Craft Fair were great and many complements!
  • Rec Run had a another successful run/walk
  • 4th of July fire Works and the music rocked Brooklyn and the crowds loved it!
  • Summer Youth Recreation and an awesome session as well. Did you know in just six weeks there was over seven hundred photos taken! yes 700!  And just what did we do with them? created a DVD slideshow for each week and passed them out as a surprise during the session ending picnic to all the awesome kids that attended.
  • In the last quarter of 2014 we added several new members to our crew as well as the departure of others.  We’re excited to have them join and look forward to hearing their ideas for events and classes.

The crew has been pretty busy with gearing up for another fun year and events that are upcoming (Below you will see just a few of the events coming).


First we have some news to share about the changes in our Get Fit Program’s Classes that started this past week.  If you have been following us on Facebook you will already be aware of the changes. These changes are in an effort to shake things up and offer new classes.  So let’s get to it!  For full ddescriptions check out our site by clicking here.  All Classes are held at our Community Building at 102 N. Rutland Ave, Brooklyn, WI. 53521 and punch cards are available or not sure but you want to try a class or two as  drop ins are $7/per class.

Monday Nights: Yoga Bliss, 6:30pm
 is Kelly from Side Pony Yogi Bridging three practices into one (physical, mental, spiritual) in an effort to transform your body and mind.

  • 1st Monday of the month: Yin Yoga
  • 2nd Monday of the month: Yoga Flow
  • 3rd Monday of the month: Flow / Yin Combination
  • 4th Monday of the month: Yoga Workshop
  • (If Needed) 5th Monday: Teacher’s pick!

Wednesday Nights: Basic Zumba Class, 6:30pm
is Nicole.  Are you ready to party yourself into shape? Forget the workout, just lose yourself in the music and find yourself in shape at the original dance-fitness party.
The class goes in 6 wk sessions with one week off.  Check out our website for the off week on our Calendar (Which by the way you can subscribe to as it is Google Calendar!)

Thursday Nights: Pound, 6:30pm
Instructor is Katie. POUND is a full-body cardio jam session at 6:30pm by Katie M., combining light resistance with constant simulated drumming.

*Saturdays are split between two classes*
1st & 3rd Saturdays – Tone, 9am
is Cheryl. This total body class is designed to enhance overall fitness and increase your flexibility.

2nd & 4th Saturdays – Tone, 9am
 is CherylThis total body class is designed to enhance overall fitness and increase your flexibility. Think Cross-fit intelligence combined with sweaty, sultry appeal of Zumba, and you’ll have an inkling of the flavor of YOGA BODY BOOTCAMP™ – one ever-evolving work-out that will blow your mind AND body.

5th Saturdays (If there is a Fifth one) will be Yoga Surprise, 9am
Instructor is Kelly or Cheryl.

Can you guess the clue?Saturday, February 7th is FREE Family Movie Night starting at 5pm at the Community Building.  This will be a Double Header (So first movie is at 5pm and the next is at 7pm).  You can attend both or one movie.  In the lower level is a concessions stand selling snacks, pizza & drinks for which all proceeds go to Brooklyn Recreation.  We are NOT allowed to publish the title of the movie(s).  If you want to be spoiled email us and ask us to spoil it by telling you the title(s).

Important Tidbits:

  • Sign up for our Pre-Ballet is happening now! Hurry to reserve your child’s spot.  For more information please visit click here.  Session one starts Jan. 29th.
  • One of our longest running events, 23rd Annual Dime-A-Dip and is a GREAT way to meet your neighbors returns May 7th.  We are looking for hot dishes, salads, (un-cut) dessert bars and volunteers! Contact us today if interested.
  • WANTED: If you are in the health industry (or know someone) in the area, the crew would like to talk to you about an upcoming event that will be part of our Get Fit Program. Please send us an email at We are interested in doctors, Massage therapists, nutritionists, to list a few.

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