Hi All!

Today was the first day of Brooklyn Summer Rec! We spent some time getting to know each other with get-to-know-you games, and then went to play capture the flag at Legion Park. Everyone is getting a long extremely well, I’m amazed at how caring they are towards one another!

The kids were sent home with welcome packets, please read through them and review our policy and procedure. In the back there is a “Getting to Know you” form that the kids should have completed and handed in to me by Thursday. It’s just to get more familiar with the comforts and discomforts of each child 🙂

Also, a reminder that each family is to get a snack that can feed around 40 kids. We use these for a snack time every day!

Tomorrow we will be doing a scavenger hunt around Brooklyn, put together by our assistant coordinator, Elizabeth. Remember to send your child with a water bottle!

I will see your children’s smiling faces tomorrow! 🙂

Melissa Beck

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