Weekly Schedule
Fun in the Summer Sun!Week One- June 26th- June 29th
Welcome Back
Please email us if your child will not be attending Summer Recreation on certain days, this will help us kick off our day’s activities without waiting to long. Email Melissa at coordinater@summeryouthrecreation.com (Or you can email us and we will pass on the info to Melissa).
Also field trips will leave around 1:15pm to accommodate Oregon Summer School schedule.
Friend? No Problem!
Want to Bring a Friend during this week? If you have a friend/visitor wanting to join your child they may attend the program for $5.00/day. Download the visitor form below
End of Summer Picnic
Will be held at Legion Park on August 3rd starting at 5:30pm. Please plan to join one last time in celebrating our program
We have added a weekly outline of planned activities listed above to better serve the interests of your child.
Sometimes scheduled activities may change.
*Please donate enough snacks for up to 40 kids. Later in the first week we may do a sign-up sheet.*
Daily Reminders:
Please bring a water bottle everyday
Wear comfortable clothing that is able to get “dirty” or stained from crafts + tennis shoes.