Hello all,

We are in full swing of our animal week here at summer rec. Yesterday we did LOTS of animal themed activities! We made bug collecting jars as our craft yesterday. The glue did not stick to well, but it was still a lot of fun to get a little messy. We did want to go outside and collect bugs, but it was unfortunately a little too wet to do that, but are hoping to get out later this week and do some collecting. We also played a game called rabbit hole and read lots of books about animals.We ended out day with a couple of movement activities. One being animal yoga. Gabby does yoga and taught us a few animal poses that many people do during yoga. We then played animal charades. That was tricky because we all wanted to make the noise of the animal, but couldn’t because that is not how you play charades! It was very fun to watch all the kids interpretations of different animals.

We do have many more activities planned for the next couple of days, and our very first field trip of the summer planned for Thursday!!! We are going to go to the zoo and see some of the animals we have talked about this week. Just a reminder, if your child wants to go on the carousel or the train they will need to bring a few extra dollars to do those extra things.

Beth K.-Coordinator

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