Hello Parents,
Today was another fantastic day at summer rec! We really jumped into our ocean theme by heading to Legion park first thing today to find some sharks. The coordinators hid little plastic sharks with letters on their bellies in the sand. The kids were split up into groups and sent to find the hidden sharks and use the letters to spell out ocean themed words. The kids loved it and even requested to play the game twice!
We saw some rain clouds moving in so we headed back to the community building and had snack. We are so grateful for all the parent contributions to snack and it looks like we’ll make it though the summer without having to ask for more donations. That is the first time in many years and we are very appreciative!
After snack we split up and had some kids making layered sand bottles in the basement and other playing ocean tag upstairs. The craft turned out beautiful! The kids upstairs played a round of octopus tag, squid tag, coral reef tag, and aquarium tag (all ocean variations of existing tag games :)). All in all it was a great day and we avoided the rain!