Annual 4th of July

Entertainment & Fireworks Show

Video above is just a glampse of our 2015 Fireworks Display.

Thank you to everyone that sponsored, supported and came to our event! 

Donations, sponsorships & some of the money that our other events raise help to pay for this incredible event hosted yearly in Legion Park on the 4th of july (Rain date is July 5th).  We bring the fireworks  (Dan Dean from our very own Brooklyn Fire & EMS proudly plans the fireworks out) & a band to rock out to while we wait for the epic display.

4th of July

2015 Fireworks & Entertainment Show

Starts at 7pm in Legion Park.  Fireworks blast off around 9pm

Distant Cuzins

♬ ♪ Returns to rock the park as our musical band for the night! ♩ ♫

4th of July Fireworks & Entertainment Show's 2015 Sponsors

UB&T (Union Bank & Trust Company)

Advanced Concrete
Bills Food Center
Brooklyn Mini Mart
Brooklyn WI Fire and EMS
Carter & Gruenewald
Fahey Sales & Service
Gruenberg White Rock Bar

Strand Associates

Hansons Electronics-Us Cell
Larocca’s Pizza
Jason Marshall/Stacey Hardy
Kwick Trip (Main St.)
Napa Auto Parts
Peterson Pest Management
Public Works
Robin Reuter-Francios Oil

Tri-County Appliance

Small Towns, Wisconsin
Swinehart Plumbing Oregon
Verhelst CPA
Wanless Auction Group
Winterland Nursery

Sponsor/Donate to our Annual 4th of July Show!

Without donations and sponsorships this event would not be possible.
Please contact us to find out how you can help us keep this event blasting for years to come.
[Currently we cannot take online donations]

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